Titre : | The senses & society, Vol. 08 Issue 03 - November 2013 - Engaging the senses in ethnographic practice |
Auteurs : | Sarah Pink, Éditeur scientifique |
Type de document : | Bulletin : Périodique |
Paru le : | 26/11/2013 |
Date : | 2013 |
Format / Caractéristique technique du document original : | 382 p. / Ill. / 24 cm |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés : |
Sujet Ethnographie Méthodologie ~Non-descripteurs > Sensation |
Résumé : |
The articles approach sensory ethnography methodology in different but complementary ways, each developing and advancing a specific methodological issue or research field relating to sensory
ethnography. While the ethnographic process is not regarded as linear the articles are arranged so that collectively they stand for the building of a narrative through the research process. Each article emphasizes specific stages or encounters that form part of sensory ethnography. Content : Engaging the Senses in Ethnographic Practice: Implications and Advances - Pink, Sarah Teenagers' Multisensory Routes for Learning in the Museum: Pedagogical Affordances and Constraints for Dwelling in the Museum - Fors, Vaike Bridges: A New Sense of Scale - Irving, Andrew Transcription and the Senses: Cultural Analysis When it Entails More than Words - O'Dell, Tom; Willim, Robert From Emplaced Knowing to Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Sensory Ethnography in Energy Research - Leder Mackley, Kerstin; Pink, Sarah |
Nature du document : | Périodique |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=2248 |
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P02329 | Périodique | Bibliothèque Laboratoire Cresson | Périodiques en architecture et sciences humaines | Disponible |
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Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
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60 av de Constantine - CS 12636
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