Titre : | International Congress on Sound and Vibration : proceedings |
Auteurs : | Congrès: International Congress on Sound and Vibration ICSV (12; 2005-07-11/2005-07-14; Lisbonne, Portugal) ; D Alarcao, Éditeur scientifique ; J.L Bento Coelho, Éditeur scientifique |
Type de document : | Document multimédia |
Editeur : | [S.l.] : International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2005 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Index. décimale : | 534.1 (Acoustique : Colloques, Rapports) |
Mots-clés : |
Sujet Acoustique appliquée Environnement sonore |
Résumé : |
Parmi les sessions :
Acoustic Ecology and Soundscapes 105 Soundscape animation of urban open spaces in an interactive virtual environment by Meng Yan et al 116 Topophonophilia: a study on the relationship between the sounds of Dartmoor and the people who live there by Dr John Levack Drever 285 A Basic Study on Adequate Sound Levels of Acoustical Signs for Visually Impaired by Katsuya Yamauchi et al 463 A SOUNDSCAPE MODEL FOR CHILDREN EXPOSED TO AIRCRAFT AND ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE by Belinda de Frutos et al 486 INFLUENCE OF AUDIO-VISUAL INTERACTION ON URBAN SOUND ENVIRONMENT by José Domingo Guillén Rodríguez et al 487 Environmental sound in autumn in suburban district by SHIBAYAMA HIDEO 599 Stockholm Sound Sanctuaries: A Public Sound Art Project by Robin McGinley 605 Masking method for qualitative sound maps by Mohammed Boubezari et al 705 Case study of a soundscape in Belo Horizonte City, Brazil by Victor Mourthé Valadares et al 910 Soundscape / Memory / Life-history by Kozo Hiramatsu 911 PRESERVING HOLY QUIETNESS OF MT. TAKAO: A new dimension of noise control by Keiko TORIGOE 929 Acoustic Ecology in Amazon - a project for the soundscape study of the natural, anthropical and technological environments by Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada et al Building Acoustics Environmental Acoustics - Noise from Transportation Musical Acoustics Noise Mapping Psycho-Acoustics and Hearing Sound Architecture 136 Is there an Acoustical Tradition in Western Architecture? by Marc Crunelle 277 Toward a Method for Documentation and Analysis of Transitional Soundspace by Derek Thompson 279 Sound Quality : A Definition for a Sonic Architecture by Nicolas REMY 398 Sound of a Factory / Factory of Sounds by Nicolas Tixier et al 607 Masking level for assessment and separation of perceived “sound sizes” by Mohammed Boubezari et al 935 DEVELOPMENT OF LIGHT TIMBER FRAME FLOOR/CEILING SYSTEMS WITH GOOD LOW FREQUENCY PERFORMANCE by Ken McGunnigle et al Sound Quality |
Nature du document : | Colloque/Congrès |
Production Cresson : | Collaboration |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=1735 |
Exemplaires (2)
Code-barres | Cote | Support | Localisation | Section | Disponibilité |
Z02781 | 534.1 | Cédéroms | Réserve | Acoustique | Disponible |
Z01469 | 534.1 | Cédéroms | Réserve | Acoustique | Disponible |
Doc' Cresson
Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
60 av de Constantine - CS 12636
38036 Grenoble Cedex 2
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
60 av de Constantine - CS 12636
38036 Grenoble Cedex 2
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