Titre : | Urban public space : facing the challenges of mobility and aestheticization |
Auteurs : | Oleg Pachenkov, Éditeur scientifique |
Type de document : | Colloque/congrès |
Editeur : | Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2013 |
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : | 978-3-631-60341-3 |
Format / Caractéristique technique du document original : | 147 pages / illustrations / 22 cm |
Note générale : | Publ. à la suite d'un séminaire, Humboldt university-Berlin's institute of European ethnology, avril 2010 Includes bibliographical references (pages 144-145) |
Langues: | Anglais |
Index. décimale : | 7.06 (Art_Art et Ville) |
Mots-clés : |
Sujet Art urbain Congrès Espace public Performance-art |
Résumé : |
Mobility and flows are considered to be key characteristics of the post-modern era. While for some scholars it means the «end of place», others
are trying to re-conceptualize it by bringing together notions of space, place, mobility and identity. Still surprisingly few authors address the concept of public space in this respect. Principles of aesthetic and diverse forms of aestheticization seem to have affected urban space and culture throughout Modernity, forming a dimension where power and conflict around urban space are performed. In this book nine authors with social science and arts backgrounds from six countries discuss how these processes shape the life of modern cities, and where the social sciences should move for a better understanding of them. Contents: Oleg Pachenkov/Lilia Voronkova: Urban Public Space in the Age of Mobility and Aestheticization, and the Necessity of an Interdisciplinary Approach Giulio Mattioli: Sharing Space with Strangers in Moving Public Places: Social Mixing and Secessionism in Mobility Tobias Scheidegger: Architectural Visualizations as Promoters of Urban Aestheticization. A Visual Culture Approach Clara Fohrbeck: Public Art Spaces: The Dilemma of Economic Growth and Social Inclusion in an Aesthetised Urban Context. A Case Study of Initiative «Intermediae», Matadero Madrid, Spain Laura Panait: Tracing Art in Urban Public Space: the Resistive Aesthetics of Cultural Actors in Post-Communist Romania Celia Ghyka: Contemporary Art: Between Action and Work. The Cases of Krzysztof Wodiczcko and Jenny Holzer Jekaterina Lavrinec/Oksana Zaporozhets: Shaping Spaces of Shared Experience: Creative Practices and Temporal Communities |
Nature du document : | Colloque/Congrès |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=5992 |
Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres | Cote | Support | Localisation | Section | Disponibilité |
Z02648 | 7.06 PAC | Livre | Bibliothèque Laboratoire Cresson | Art | Disponible |
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Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
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38036 Grenoble Cedex 2
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
60 av de Constantine - CS 12636
38036 Grenoble Cedex 2
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