Titre : | Reimagining home in the 21st century |
Auteurs : | Justine Lloyd ; Ellie Vasta |
Type de document : | Ouvrage |
Editeur : | Massachusetts (Northampton, 01060, USA) : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017 |
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : | 978-1-78643-292-6 |
Format / Caractéristique technique du document original : | xi, 246 pages / 25 cm |
Langues: | Anglais |
Index. décimale : | 711.2 (Recherche urbaine : Habitat et logement) |
Mots-clés : |
Sujet Habitant Logement Migration Mobilité Sans abri Sociologie de l'habitat |
Résumé : |
Providing ways of reimagining home, this book demonstrates that thinking differently about home advances our understanding of processes of belonging. Authors in this collection explore home in relation to the figure of the stranger and public space, as well as with a focus on practices of dwelling and materialities.
Content : Contents: 1. Introduction: Reimagining Home in the 21st Century Justine Lloyd and Ellie Vasta PART I Home-making and belonging: The Figure of the Stranger 2. Reflections on home and identity in late-modernity Norbert Ebert 3. The migrant ‘stranger’ at home: ‘Australian’ shared Values and the National Imaginary Ellie Vasta PART II Home-making and belonging: Practices of dwelling 4. The transnational matrifocal home among Cape Verdean migrant women: The case of Santo Antão Island Martina Giuffrè 5. Country’, ‘community’ and ‘growth town’: three spatio-temporal snapshots of Warlpiri experiences of home Yasmine Musharbash 6. Mobile my spaces: home in commuter cars, working vehicles and contrasting dwelling for backpackers in campervans and homeless car sleepers Sarah Redshaw 7. Without house or home? Understanding homelessness as dwelling Adam Stebbing PART III Conditions of homeliness/unhomeliness: Publicness 8. At home in public: The work of mobility and anti-racist mobile witnessing practices Justine Lloyd 9. Home-making: youth and urban unrest in multiethnic Sweden Aleksandra Ålund, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Lisa Kings 10. The coming home of postindustrial society Evelyn Honeywill 11. Staying in place: meanings, practices and the regulation of publicness in Sydney’s Martin Place Ann Deslandes and Justine Humphry PART IV Conditions and practices of homeliness/unhomeliness: Materialities 12. Senses of home Olivia Hamilton 13. Transcultural objects, transcultural homes Ilaria Vanni Accarigi 14. The garage as vernacular museum: reading contemporary masculinity through ‘man caves’ Jeff Browitt 15. Kitchen as home: Shifting meanings Sian Supski |
Nature du document : | Monographie/Brochure |
En ligne : | http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/reimagining-home-in-the-21st-century |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=7339 |
Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres | Cote | Support | Localisation | Section | Disponibilité |
Z03020 | 711.2 LLO | Livre | Bibliothèque Laboratoire Cresson | Recherche urbaine, paysage, écologie, habitat, projet | Sorti jusqu'au 30/09/2020 |
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