Titre : | Soft densification of single- family home areas : morphologies, experiences and perspectives for the development of densification policies |
in : | |
Auteurs : | Rainer Kazig, Auteur ; Magali Paris, Auteur |
Type de document : | Article |
Date : | 2017 |
Format / Caractéristique technique du document original : | 61-66 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés : |
Lieu Europe > Allemagne > Bavière > Munich Europe > France > Rhône-Alpes > Rhône > LyonSujet Densité de population Développement durable Forme Maison Individuelle Politique foncière Quartier Voisinage |
Résumé : | In our paper we focus on market-driven or owner-driv-en soft densifications of single-family home areas that are realised individually within the framework of the ex-isting building planning and building law. The term ‘soft densification’ was developed first in the French context in order to describe a form of densification that does not change the prevailing urban form radically (Léger 2010; Touati-Morel 2015). Even if the soft densifica-tion practices do not radically transform the morphol-ogy of the neighbourhood, they are often contested by the neighbours who do not participate actively in the densification process (see for example the well-or-ganised protest movement in Munich: http://www.bvobermenzing.de/flyer-gartenstadt.pdf). Under cer-tain conditions, densification seems to be experienced by the neighbours as a form of deprivation and loss of quality of life. If soft densification is to contribute to a more sustainable urban development, it is necessary to understand the passive neighbours’ experience of deprivation and to develop a form of densification pol-icies at the level of the neighbourhood that also takes into consideration the concerns of the neighbours. Our contribution is built on the results of an international research project (realised in the frame of the PUCA soft densification policies research programme: Vers des politiques publiques de densification et d’intensification “douces”?) that analysed, in two case studies in the city regions of Lyon (France) and Munich (Germany), the neighbours’ experience of soft densification. The study is based on the assumption that not only the ma-terial form of the densification but also the image of the neighbourhood and the public discourse influence the neighbours’ experience of densification. Our paper is structured in three parts.The first part deals with the description of densifications in the case study neighbourhoods of Pont-des-Planch-es in Vaulx-en-Velin near Lyon and Waldtrudering in Munich that have been realised within the last five years. The second part focuses on the negative expe-riences of soft densification by the passive neighbours. It is based on more than 30 semi-structured interviews with neighbours of plots transformed by densification in both case study areas and a detailed description of surrounding densifications. The third and last part ad-dresses conclusions that can be drawn from the project for the development of planning policies that consider soft densification not only as an individual concern but as a matter of neighbourhood development. |
Classe d'article : | Contribution dans des actes de congrès |
Nature du document : | Article |
Production Cresson : | Oui |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=7688 |
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