Titre : | Enacting the worlds of cinema |
Auteurs : | Steffen Hven, Auteur |
Type de document : | Ouvrage |
Editeur : | Oxford, New-York : Oxford University Press, 2022 |
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : | 978-0-19-755510-1 |
Format / Caractéristique technique du document original : | viii, 203 pages / 25 cm |
Note générale : | Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-193) and index |
Langues: | Anglais |
Index. décimale : | 791 (Art_Cinéma) |
Mots-clés : |
Sujet Cinéma Perception sensible Philosophie Théorie de l'art |
Résumé : | "Enacting the World of Cinema offers a substantial reconfiguration of the textual roots of modern film narratology. By giving sustained attention to cinema's material-affective modes of communicating its stories and embedding its audience in atmospheric, kinetic, and multisensorial worlds, this book maintains that film narratives are less representations than they are enactments; brought forth through the interactions of the felt body and the film material. The book defends this enactive and media-anthropological thesis by reworking a series of established film narratological key concepts including the diegesis, mood/atmosphere, and the distinction between diegetic and non-diegetic sound. In the process, this book draws on a wide range of contemporary theoretical resources such as affective neuroscience, media-philosophy, philosophy of mind, atmosphere research, multisensory perception theory, as well as a broad selection of films including Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (Ruttman, 1927), The Cranes are Flying (Kalatozov, 1957), and Happy as Lazzaro (Rohrwacher, 2018)"--Dust jacket flap. NdE |
Note de contenu / Note sur les enregistrements sonores : |
Table of Contents :
Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1 : The Diegesis as Environment : A New Theory of Film Worlds Chapter 2 : The Atmospheric Worlds of Cinema Chapter 3 : Narrative Experientiality and Affect Chapter 4 : The Moving Camera and the Motor-Affective Arrangement of Films Chapter 5 : Narratives Spaces and Sonic Environments Afterword Index |
Nature du document : | Monographie/Brochure |
En ligne : | https://global.oup.com/academic/product/enacting-the-worlds-of-cinema-9780197555101?cc=fr&lang=en& |
Permalink : | https://labocresson.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=9297 |
Exemplaires (1)
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Z03784 | 791 HVE | Livre | Bibliothèque Laboratoire Cresson | Art | Disponible |
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